Opel car radio no longer turns on

Did you buy a car radio with a large screen, and has the car radio stopped working within a few weeks? Don't worry, the car radio is not defective. Your vehicle is blocking the canbus module because it is recognized as unknown or consumes more power than the old car radio.

You can permanently solve this problem with a simple cable adjustment. Below, you will find an image showing what you need to modify on the cable.

Let's briefly explain what's happening here. The canbus module normally receives constant power from the car, even when the ignition is off. In some Opel vehicles, this is done to prevent the battery from draining. Therefore, the canbus needs to be connected differently. When you provide the yellow wire of the canbus with a switched 12V power source, the canbus will only work when the ignition is on. As a result, the canbus will no longer be blocked.

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